Digital Dentistry consists of using innovative and modern technologies of digitization, image processing and construction of restorations, prostheses, models, etc., for the care of people.

It consists of different parts:

1. Digitization: by means of an intraoral scanner, in our case we have the 3Shape Trios 3, we take many images of the oral cavity to render it in 3D on a computer. This replaces conventional impressions such as alginate or silicone, generating greater comfort in people.

2. CAD: computer-aided design: through design software, we carry out your treatment digitally.

3. CAM: computer-aided manufacturing: through equipment such as milling machines, your treatment is made robotically.


The most sophisticated and modern equipment


You will live an experience like you have never lived before


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It is using innovative and modern technologies for digitalize, image processing and construction of restorations, prosthesis, casts, etc. for people attention.

It has different parts:

1. Digitalizing: the first approach is at the dental chair through a intraoral scanner. We count with a Trios 3, 3Shape intraoral scanner. We can take a huge amount of pictures of the oral cavity to render it in 3D on a computer. This will replace those annoying impressions with alginate or silicone, improving comfort during the appointment.

2. CAD: computer aided design, is using a software to planify and design the future restorations 3. CAM: computer aided manufacturing: is using milling machines to perform in a quick time the restorations.

This will help for diagnosing, planify more accurate and faster restorations of our patients. We can predict how will your smile design or orthodontic treatment will look.

Crowns, veneers, fixed prosthesis, invisible aligners, 3D casts, implant guides, bars for hybrid prosthesis.

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