A smile makeover improves cosmetic and structural dental flaws and/or imperfections. If your teeth are crooked, or one of the teeth is missing leaving behind an unwanted gap, or you are not satisfied with how your smile appears, a smile makeover is an answer.

A smile makeover is a process involving one or more dental treatments. It can replace missing teeth, straighten misaligned teeth, whiten stained teeth, and fix misshapen teeth.

If there is a fluctuation in your self-confidence when you observe your smile in the mirror, you need a smile makeover. This article explains everything about this process, from treatments to cost.

What is a Smile Makeover?

As the name predicts, a smile makeover is the makeover of a smile. Makeover implies any dental treatment that can make necessary changes in your smile to make it per your liking. The treatments belong to the prosthodontic dentistry discipline.

The ninth edition of the Glossary of Prosthodontic Terms published in the Journal of Prosthodontic terms in May of 2017 defines the smile design as: “a contemporary term for DENTOGENICS; a concept of using gender, personality, and age as factors in tooth arrangement and anatomy by means of waxing of casts, interim composite resin on teeth, or digital image enhancements”

The improvement of how your smile appears can be achieved by either one or a combination of procedures. Dental veneers, composite bonding, crowns, tooth implants, orthodontics, bridges, and teeth whitening are critical procedures. Another very important aspect people sometimes ignore is the right selection of the biomaterial that is adequate for the specific case. Remembering all the cases are different and specific for every person.

The most important aspects that directly influence your smile, and thus the required procedures, is the initial condition of the teeth, for example if your teeth are straight or not, occlusion, alignment, health condition, missing teeth, gum tissues, and lips. The details of the teeth considered are the color, shape, length, width, and display.

The ideal patient for a smile makeover is the one who has accomplished a successful orthodontic treatment.

There are many reasons anyone would go for this treatment and get their smile customized. You might be one of such people if you are not fully confident in your smile.

You do not need deep rational reasons to go for this treatment. Just the fact that when you look in the mirror and analyze your smile, you do not feel absolute happiness, satisfaction, or confidence. Maybe there is a tooth sticking out that embarrasses you.

A smile makeover is a simple dental treatment that can be life-changing for how you feel about yourself.

How Can a Smile Makeover be Life-Changing?

Here are two of the most influential benefits of a smile makeover.

1- Aesthetic Plus Functional Benefits

A smile makeover improves the tooth structure and makes a smile beautiful and pleasing. The cosmetically trained dentists uplift the smile to your standards of beauty. They work in aesthetic, functional, and cosmetic terms.

Thus, this treatment can not only fill the loopholes in the beauty but also boost the functionality. For example, dealing with a decayed or missing tooth will enable you to chew foods better and thus have a better digestive system.

2- Perfect Facial Features

A smile makeover sets your smile so that the overall appearance of your facial features improves. When you have changed your smile for the better and made it as per your beauty standards, you are a more confident person with higher self-esteem.

Smile Makeover Options

A smile makeover is a process that can involve more than one treatment. This process varies from candidate to candidate. There are a few options that are good for most people. Teeth whitening, tooth implants, composite bonding, and dental veneers are the most common.

Dentists consider several factors before deciding on the treatments. Communication with the patient is mandatory because the patient chooses what change they want. The dentist tells how the desired change can be achieved.

The consultation session involves discussing what aspect of your smile you want to preserve, what feature you want to get altered, etc.

Treatments involved in Smile Makeover

Here are a few aspects of your smile that play an impactful role in the smile makeover process.

1- Teeth Color

Teeth whitening can whiten the teeth by removing the stains and dullness in the teeth’ color. Amalgam fillings in the teeth are replaced with rich-colored composite restorations for the ultimate teeth color.

The color of the teeth with this process may vary depending on the chosen technique and the initial color of your teeth. It has an immediate effect and it will grant you a white natural look. You have to be consent that only veneers will give you a true white color. Also it is the safest cosmetic treatment in the world when it is done properly. It is the job of cosmetic dentists to bring life, richness, and vibrancy to your dull teeth.

2- Alignment and Spacing

Overlapping or gaps between the teeth are curable. A prosthodontist dentist can untangle the accumulated teeth, straighten them, and align them. Unwanted spacing can also be filled.

3- Missing Teeth

A missing tooth can downgrade the overall appearance of your smile and face. Moreover, it negatively affects how you chew foods and increases the chances of tooth decay. It is vital to replace a missing tooth/teeth before impacting your oral health. Dental implants, partial dentures, and bridges are missing teeth replacement treatments.

4- Harmony and Balance

Unevenness and cracks dull your smile to a great extent. But dental cosmetics can recover the natural contouring and the appearance of your gummy and rich smile.

5- Fuller Smile

An aging or unshapely face needs orthodontics/oral maxillofacial surgery to become a young and vibrant face. This is about a smile design; it does not let you age.

How Long Will it Take?

Again it will depend on what you need and your initial condition. Usually we need 4 business days to complete 20 porcelain veneers, even if you are missing some teeth. For 20 composite veneers 3 business days. If you are interested in orthodontics it will take longer, from 6 month to 2 years long.

How Much Does a Smile Makeover Cost?

Since a smile makeover is a combination of the different procedures, its final price in Colombia can range somewhere between $1,500 to $10,000.

  • Teeth whitening can cost around $600.
  • Composite veneers can cost around $100 each tooth.
  • Porcelain veneers can cost around $400 each tooth.

The calculation of the final cost for your smile makeover depends on all the treatments, procedures, and steps involved in contouring your jaw. Some treatments are done in one seating, while some require time to time appointments for maintenance, which influences the overall charges.


A smile is one of the most critical parts of your personality. It tells a lot about who you are. So, are you confident in your smile, or do you cover your mouth with your hands out of a lack of confidence while smiling?

Invest in your smile if you want to gain the highest forms of confidence you deserve. Invest in a smile makeover.

Dr. Andres Arias is a Dentist and Prosthodontist serving in Neiva, Colombia. You can select him for your smile makeover with trust and reliability.